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  • Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric
  • Related Configuration: Scaling

This class is used to work with numbers that are too large or too small for the int and float types. Laravel Wallet uses this class for all calculations.


Under hood class uses the bcmath module for calculations.


We also recommend using this class for calculations in all cases.

public function __construct(
    string|float|int|Numeric $value,
    // Number of decimal places to round to
    // If null, value will be taken from config('wallet.balance.max_scale')
    // With fallback to 8
    ?int $scale = null

public function __toString(): string;

// __toString() alias
public function get(): string;

// Absolute value, without "-"
public function positive(): string;

// Negative value, with "-"
public function negative(): string;

// Add value to current
public function add(string|float|int|Numeric $value): self;

// Subtract value from current
public function sub(string|float|int|Numeric $value): self;

// Multiply current value by value
public function mul(string|float|int|Numeric $value): self;

// Divide current value by value
public function div(string|float|int|Numeric $value): self;

// Check if current value is equal to specified
public function equals(string|float|int|Numeric $value): bool;

// Check if current value is greater than specified
public function greaterThan(string|float|int|Numeric $value): bool;

// Check if current value is greater than or equal to specified
public function greaterThanOrEqual(string|float|int|Numeric $value): bool;

// Check if current value is less than specified
public function lessThan(string|float|int|Numeric $value): bool;

// Check if current value is less than or equal to specified
public function lessThanOrEqual(string|float|int|Numeric $value): bool;

 * Get the minimum value of the given values
 * Requires 021/laravel-wallet >= 8.2.0
 * @param  string|float|int|Numeric[]  ...$values
 * @return \O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric
public function min(...$values): Numeric;

 * Get the maximum value of the given values
 * Requires 021/laravel-wallet >= 8.2.0
 * @param  string|float|int|Numeric[]  ...$values
 * @return \O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric
public function max(...$values): Numeric;

// Format value, uses PHP number_format() function
public function format(
    int $decimals = 8,
    string $decimalSeparator = '.',
    string $thousandsSeparator = '',
    mixed $value = null
): string;

// Set scale for current value
public function scale(int $scale): self;


Model for storing balance values.

  • Default Model: O21\LaravelWallet\Models\Balance
  • Contract Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Balance
 * @property-read \O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric $sent
 * @property-read \O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric $received
 * @property-read \O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Payable $payable
 * @property string $currency
// Recalculates the balance value based on the transactions
public function recalculate(): bool;

// Check is the balance value is equal to the given value
public function equals(string|float|int $value): bool;
// Check is the balance value is greater than the given value
public function greaterThan(string|float|int $value): bool;
// Check is the balance value is greater than or equal to the given value
public function greaterThanOrEqual(string|float|int $value): bool;
// Check is the balance value is less than the given value
public function lessThan(string|float|int $value): bool;
// Check is the balance value is less than or equal to the given value
public function lessThanOrEqual(string|float|int $value): bool;

public function payable(): MorphTo;

Balance State

Model for storing balance state logs.

  • Default Model: O21\LaravelWallet\Models\BalanceState
  • Contract Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\BalanceState
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo;

 * @property int $id
 * @property int $balance_id
 * @property int|null $transaction_id
 * @property \O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric $value
 * @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at
 * @property-read \O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Balance $balance
 * @property-read \O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Transaction|null $tx
public function payable(): MorphTo;
public function tx(): BelongsTo;


Model which can have a balance and make transactions.

  • Default Model: O21\LaravelWallet\Models\Payable
  • Contract Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Payable


Trait O21\LaravelWallet\Models\Concerns\HasBalance implements this interface, so you can use it in any existing model.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphMany;

public function balance(?string $currency = null): Balance; 
public function balanceStates(): MorphMany;
public function assertHaveFunds(string $needs, ?string $currency = null): void;
public function isEnoughFunds(string $needs, ?string $currency = null): bool;
public function getMorphClass();
public function getKey();


Transaction model.

  • Default Model: O21\LaravelWallet\Models\Transaction
  • Contract Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Transaction
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo;

 * @property-read ?\O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Payable $from
 * @property-read ?\O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Payable $to
 * @property-read ?\O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\TransactionProcessor $processor

public function toApi(): array;

public function hasStatus(string $status): bool;
public function updateStatus(string $status): bool;

public function getMeta(string $key = null, $default = null);
public function setMeta(
    array|string $key,
    float|array|int|string $value = null
): void;
public function updateMeta(
    array|string $key,
    float|array|int|string $value = null
): bool;

 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo<\O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Payable>
public function from(): MorphTo;

 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\MorphTo<\O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\Payable>
public function to(): MorphTo;

 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Casts\Attribute<\O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\TransactionProcessor>
public function processor(): Attribute;

Transaction Creator

A class that provides safe creation of transactions.

  • Default Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Transaction\Creator
  • Contract Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\TransactionCreator


Replacing the instance of this interface is not recommended.


Exceptions thrown in the before and after callbacks will be roll back the transaction and all database changes made in the callbacks.

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder;
use O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric;

public function commit(): Transaction; 
public function before(callable $before): self;
public function after(callable $after): self;
public function amount(string|float|int|Numeric $amount): self;
public function currency(string $currency): self;
public function commission(string|float|int|Numeric $commission): self;
public function status(string $status): self;
public function setDefaultStatus(): self;
public function processor(string $processor): self;
public function from(Payable $payable): self;
public function to(Payable $payable): self;
public function meta(array $meta): self;
public function lockOnRecord(Model|Builder|bool $lockRecord): self;

Transaction Processor

  • Contract Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\TransactionProcessor


Despite the fact that the processor interface allows you to implement business logic internally, and creator protects against leaks of funds during the processor code execution, to increase system stability it is recommended to minimize business logic in processors.

 * @method void statusChanged(string $status, string $oldStatus) Called in jobs by TransactionStatusChanged event
 * @method void creating() Called before transaction is created
 * @method void created() Called in jobs by TransactionCreated event
 * @method void updating() Called before transaction is updated
 * @method void updated() Called in jobs by TransactionUpdated event
 * @method void deleting() Called before transaction is deleted
 * @method void deleted() Called in jobs by TransactionDeleted event
public function __construct(Transaction $transaction);

 * Method for preparing metadata
 * @param  array  $meta
 * @return array
public function prepareMeta(array $meta): array;

Transaction Preparer

A global preparer for transactions.


Default preparer sets received field to amount - commission. If you plan to extend Preparer, it should also implement this behavior.

  • Default Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Transaction\Preparer
  • Contract Class: O21\LaravelWallet\Contracts\TransactionPreparer
public function prepare(Transaction $tx): void;