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Upgrade Guide

High Impact Changes

Medium Impact Changes

Low Impact Changes

Config Changes

Balance Tracking

Likelihood Of Impact: High

Laravel Wallet 9 combines the balance.accounting_statuses and balance.extra_values options into one balance.tracking:

'balance' => [
    'accounting_statuses' => [ 
    'extra_values' => [
        'pending' => false,
        'on_hold' => false,
    'tracking' => [ 
        // The main value of the balance (aka confirmed/available)
        // Transactions with following statuses will be included in the recalculation
        'value' => [
        // The value of the balance that is pending
        // If empty, value will not be tracking
        'value_pending' => [
            // \O21\LaravelWallet\Enums\TransactionStatus::PENDING,
        // The value of the balance that is holding
        // If empty, value will not be tracking
        'value_on_hold' => [
            // \O21\LaravelWallet\Enums\TransactionStatus::ON_HOLD,

Balance Max Scale Removed

Likelihood Of Impact: Low

The balance.max_scale option has been removed. The max scale of numeric values in package is now determined by the numeric.precise_scale option.

'balance' => [
    'max_scale' => 8, 
'numeric' => [ 
    // The scale for a numbers in the operations with precise calculations required
    // (like division, multiplication, etc.)
    'precise_scale' => 22,
    'rounding_mode' => \Brick\Math\RoundingMode::DOWN,

Conversation Processors Added

Likelihood Of Impact: Medium

'processors' => [
    'deposit' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Transaction\Processors\DepositProcessor::class,
    'charge' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Transaction\Processors\ChargeProcessor::class,
    'conversion_credit' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Transaction\Processors\ConversionCreditProcessor::class, 
    'conversion_debit' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Transaction\Processors\ConversionDebitProcessor::class,
    'transfer' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Transaction\Processors\TransferProcessor::class,

Custodian Model Added

Likelihood Of Impact: Medium

Change the configuration to include the custodian model:

'models' => [
    'balance' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Models\Balance::class,
    'balance_state' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Models\BalanceState::class,
    'custodian' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Models\Custodian::class, 
    'transaction' => \O21\LaravelWallet\Models\Transaction::class,
'table_names' => [
    'balances' => 'balances',
    'balance_states' => 'balance_states',
    'custodians' => 'custodians', 
    'transactions' => 'transactions',

And then create a migration to add the custodians table:

use function O21\LaravelWallet\ConfigHelpers\table_name;

public function up()
    Schema::create(table_name('custodians'), function (Blueprint $table) {

public function down()

Balance Model Attributes Changed

Likelihood Of Impact: Medium

value_pending and value_on_hold now returns O21\Numeric\Numeric instance instead of a string.

Migration Helper Trait Removed

Likelihood Of Impact: High

The package migrations used the trait \O21\LaravelWallet\Concerns\MigrationHelper which has been removed. You need to remove this trait in already created migrations and replace it with the new syntax:

use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

return new class extends Migration
    use \O21\LaravelWallet\Concerns\MigrationHelper; 

    public function up()
        Schema::create($this->assertTableName('balances'), function (Blueprint $table) { 
            $table->decimal('value', 16, 8)->default(0);
            $table->decimal('value_pending', 16, 8)->default(0);
            $table->decimal('value_on_hold', 16, 8)->default(0);
            $table->string('currency', 10)->index();
            $table->unique(['payable_id', 'payable_type', 'currency'], 'unique_balance');

    public function down()
use Illuminate\Database\Migrations\Migration;
use Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

use function O21\LaravelWallet\ConfigHelpers\table_name; 

return new class extends Migration
    public function up()
        Schema::create(table_name('balances'), function (Blueprint $table) { 
            $table->decimal('value', 16, 8)->default(0);
            $table->decimal('value_pending', 16, 8)->default(0);
            $table->decimal('value_on_hold', 16, 8)->default(0);
            $table->string('currency', 10)->index();
            $table->unique(['payable_id', 'payable_type', 'currency'], 'unique_balance');

    public function down()

New Transaction Columns

Likelihood Of Impact: High

The transactions table has new columns:

Schema::create(table_name('transactions'), function (Blueprint $table) {
    $table->decimal('amount', 16, 8)->unsigned()->default(0)->index();
    $table->decimal('commission', 16, 8)->unsigned()->default(0);
    $table->decimal('received', 16, 8)
        ->comment('received = amount - commission')
    $table->enum('status', TransactionStatus::known())
        ->comment('batch id to track related transactions');

Create a migration to add these columns to the transactions table.

New Transaction Statuses

Likelihood Of Impact: Medium

New transaction statuses have been added: awaiting_approval, awaiting_payment, in_progress. You should add these statuses to allowed enum values for the status column in the transactions table.

use O21\LaravelWallet\Enums\TransactionStatus;

Schema::table(table_name('transactions'), function (Blueprint $table) {
  $table->enum('status', TransactionStatus::known())->change();

Numeric Class Extracted

Likelihood Of Impact: High

The O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric class has been extracted to the separate package 021/numeric and renamed to O21\Numeric\Numeric.

use O21\LaravelWallet\Numeric; 
use O21\Numeric\Numeric;